Changes in the Olympics

I am pretty sure that the first summer Olympics I watched with any depth was 1980. Back then it was exciting to a kid and an event that actually did conjure up some patriotism (for all countries). My wife and I watched most of the prime time shows this year. As usual, heavy emphasis on swimming, track, and gymnastics. That’s not new and as an ex-swimmer I don’t mind, hah.

And I don’t necessarily mind all the new sports even if a few raise eyebrows. Whatever. But what I do miss is coverage of many sports which used to be more widely televised, especially in prime time. Fencing. Wrestling. Volleyball. Triathlon. Heck, even some rowing. Sports you never really watch but can be fun in this context.

What I miss most of all is boxing. Close to zero prime time coverage except the “scandal” (not going there). Boxing used to be almost the #1 viewer draw. And boxers who won the gold were superstars. Now, zip. I get that the sport itself is in decline. Particularly with stuff like ultimate fighting or whatever taking the spotlight. But I do miss the skill and grit all those boxers of yore put on display. And the man-to-man element of it, great rivalries.

And waaaaay too many personal interest stories. Show the damn sports, it’s the Olympics. How many more sports could be shown in prime time if they cut the fluff?


Agree with it all.

I still bristle when I think about baseball and softball being excluded… But breaking was added. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

In general, the coverage of the Olympics has always been terrible. They spend too much time on some things and barely show others. I suppose this year things are different as you could stream any event you want on the Peacock app. (Then again, who the hell has that?)

Breaking is fine, even though I never saw it. It’s a small event, very easy to host and do on the side. I don’t know why baseball/softball were excluded, but you need big fields and a bunch of teams with a lot of players and staff. It might not have enough buy-in and cost too much. You really can’t compare that to breaking.

Loved the streaming options. Between that and the tv coverage during the day we didn’t have to listen to awful announcers or watch any prime time lousy story time.

I forgot to mention that all the cutaways to movie stars, former athletes, just generally famous people in attendance also detracted from time that could have been spent focusing on the athletes and their endeavors. I don’t want to sound overly curmudgeonly but seems like the live TV version of Instagram or something.

@caniac99 wish I had the time to watch outside of prime time, free as well as streaming options. Sounds great. Work, family responsibilities, gardening all get in the way. Maybe 2036…

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My work schedule allows it some days and it’s been enjoyable. None of the interviews and celebrity crap. Just events and athletes. Split screens etc. I thought Peacock was a nice option if u actually wanted to see sports.

Agree w everything you’ve said!