Nothing like a welcome to Miami than having your cars stolen!
Same thing happened to my college roommate. We shared an off campus apt off Sunset Dr during my last year at Miami. His car was stolen from the parking lot one night. And the apt next to ours was broken into. Like many big cities, Miami is a crime ridden hell hole.
An amusing anecdote about that apt was my roommate invited his former roommate to stay in our 2/1 apt (without asking me.) So, the guy set up camp in the living room with his dog. Of course, they didn’t quite get around to getting him a key to the place so their solution was to leave the front door unlocked so he could come and go as he pleased. The guest was a fifth year senior who was three credits shy of graduation. He only had one class (Intro French) that he needed to pass to graduate and somehow he failed it. When I think back on those days, it’s amazing any of us lived to be adults.
Apparently, the gf stupidly left her garage door opener in her Land Rover parked outside. Once the thieves had the garage open, they were in the house and took the key fobs for the cars. How much you wanna bet the inside garage door wasn’t even locked? They are lucky they weren’t murdered in their sleep.
Get good locks, get an alarm system and arm it and don’t leave your freakin’ garage door opener in a car parked outside. The car probably wasn’t even locked. Even if it was, a thief can open the door in five seconds with a slim jim.
As well, having late model, $100K+ cars make you a target for every thug in the area. They should hire a security guard since they can afford it.
Hopefully, they learned their lesson. You can’t get away with being that careless in South Florida.
Yeah, that could have been FAR worse for them. I think he assumed it was still Georgia:)