Canes 5 vs wolfpack 11 gm 1 final

3pm ACCN

Federman pitching … sigh

Lets Go Canes!

T1 poor defense by ncstate and we get 1

*Extremely windy

Federman wild pitch scores 1

T2 Toral walks, Born single, C Del Castillo moves runners, 1 out, Jenkins RBI, 2 out, Lala strikes out

B3 sigh…1st pitch HR off Federman 2-2 and now another HR on Federman 3-2, and now 2 more in 5-2

T4 Lala 3 run HR 5-5

B4 another HR off Federman 6-5 and another and another 2 run HR…9-5 Consecutive 4 run innings for ncstate but by all means…leave Federman in. Finally Garland in for Federman and Garland is pulled, McFarlane in

*Just like our football teams, we have not progressed in 15 yrs but by all means keep hiring unproven coaches :angry: