Canes 0 vs fsu 10 gm 3

1pm ACCN

Federman pitching

noles are starting a rhp…if they started a lhp the game is already over, like the last 2

Hit the damn ball

B1 smh at the shift that we had on…nolies score

3 2 strike pitches and noles take advantage of poor 3rd pitch and 2 HRs

finally pulled Federman but since we cant hit ball, makes no difference

  • ok I am stopping again…solid hit by a nolie and runner goes from 2nd to 3rd, pulls a hammy and our 3rd baseman drops ball so he is safe, walking onto base. We are only in the 4th inning btw

Has become a clown program.

Outscored 34-2 this weekend to FSU. Wow