Can we all just agree the 'Fins owner is a dirtbag ?!

Between Stephen Ross and Jerry Jones you get the full picture of sleaze-bag owners who think that they are above answering to anyone. Then there’s Roger Goodell …NFL sock-puppet… pretending to be a real commissioner.

In a verdict that basically confirms all the accusations Brian Flores made as being true…the NFL states that Ross was probably just joking when he told Flores to take a dive on games in order to secure high Draft-picks. How the #@!*% do you present that to the paying public with a straight-face ?!

I thought Luria the previous Marlins owner was the scummiest owner to pass through Miami in years…but I have to admit …I was way…way wrong. Ross has him beaten by a mile.

Well, this is the same organization that lied forever about how they knew repetitive head injuries weren’t a big deal….until they couldn’t lie anymore.

Hard for the NFL to police themselves when there is so much money at stake.

Yes, they talked to Tom Brady while he was still a Pat because they knew he was leaving and they were trying to gauge interest. Oh, the horror! We did it in '70 too to get Shula and spent a 1st rounder to pull it off. Been nice to get either the coach or the player this time but I guess it wasn’t to be. Hopefully next time we’ll have more to show for it. But let’s not get bent out of shape because player reps on teams talk to one another to get information. That’s basically what this was. Though I too am not crazy about Ross. I’m sure he’s good at something as he’s loaded but football stuff sure ain’t it. Beal’s next in line apparently but he seems dumber than Ross. Hope it works out down the road for us. Geez!

This thread would not be complete without the mention of Washington owner Dan Snyder… :face_vomiting: