Cal Berserkly

Ugh… another 4th down …

down 17… still lots of time to score points, but the question now is the D. They HAVE to stiffen up

Nice to see a score but hard to bother hoping.

This Miami defense is ordinary at best. No chance Miami comes back if the D keeps crapping the bed.

As usual, the Miami D is making the Cal QB look like a Heisman contender.

Is it bad coaching or play calling. I can not believe cal has better players in all of their positions. Although it looks like they do. I don’t see cal making many mistakes.

Honestly, I think it’s a bit of both. Coaches are supposed to prepare players and put them in position to make the plays. This D looks lost. Giving up big plays on 3rd and long, is more a coaching problem IMHO. It means the players are not in the right position. At the end of the day the players need to make the plays, but coaches need to call the right plays.

Can’t even pick up a 3 and 1. Wtf. Don’t deserve to win anything at that rate.

This was all on scheme…

We knew Cal and Wilcox off of a bye would make Ward and the offense earn it.

But who the hell gives up 4 pass plays of 50 yards or more to a team that is in the bottom 10-20% of teams in the nation for basically every long passing/pass explosion metric there is?

It shouldn’t be as easy as throw to the flat— Gain 60. Guidry better fix something and fast. Team is too good for this. Credit for Cal for breaking tendency out of the bye, I’ve always liked their staff.

Oh well…Here’s to some fireworks the last 11 mins. Go canes.


Why arent they running the effin ball??

Love the hustle, but damn… that facemask call could not have come at a worse time.

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Oh Cam!! Missed wide open Horton!

Oh my…He had him too. Wow

Do you go for the onside? Or kick it deep?

Come on D!!

Onside if they have something up their sleeve. Now we gotta trust the defense tho.

What I can’t believe is that pick 6 cost us the game. It was totally unnecessary. No reason For Cam to panic there.

Why no time out?

Cuz it’s Mario?

D needs to watch the slant, or the screen… Cal has burned the D several times with that

What are the odds they review that and call it targeting? :roll_eyes:

Totally unnecessary.

Can’t believe we almost got the ball back to win.