Cal Berserkly

Out of FG range…

Don’t know what Cam was thinking.

Butterfingers Brown…

WR corps outside of Restrepo is bad.


Is it ok to chat overrated in my own home.

Receivers have definitely not helped Cam tonight. 3 huge drops that would totally turn the game around. But that’s not why we’re losing bad.

Still time to win this. But there are clear issues on this team.

I don’t think we have elite WR. Restrepo is a slot WR. Horton is improving but still not an alpha.

I think we are relying way too much on Cam to just make a play.

Our backup left tackle is straight trash, we don’t run consistently or when we should run and get an easy first down ,we do the opposite. Receivers have the dropsies, our secondary sucks and linebackers get lost. The so called monster defensive line does jack shit. Mind boggling shit fellas.

Pure shit show…if we are getting exposed the last two games including this one? It’s only going to get worse.

Embarrassing display of football.

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We’re too impatient on offense–long pass happy. We were doing fine on that drive throwing short stuff and letting Fletcher alternatively rush the ball. We got into trouble when Cam dropped back under assault by defenders looking to complete a home run.

Fletcher has been effective between tackles. We’re giving up too quickly on the ground game. More than anything else we need to be patient and methodical and win on first down staying ahead of the sticks.

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Cam is looking for the home run. Sometimes you have to take what the defense is giving you.

Has Bain’s name been called tonight?

Texas A&M has a running game.

Mind boggling is right.

It’s crazy that the game started almost perfectly. Sure, we didn’t score our first drive, but we got a couple of easy first downs, punted with good field position, shut down Cal’s run to get a stop, got the ball back and marched down the field for a TD. The game was looking roses.

It all started with that George unsportmanlike penalty. Then receiver drops. Cal’s D just always seems to be where they need to be so our offense is more or less nullified.

The real disgrace (and difference in this game) is the secondary, of course, but that’s too shit to even discuss.

It’s a joke out there tonight. Usually we need to rely on the O to bail out the D or the D to save the O, but tonight both sides are losing it.

I don’t think we can win. I mean, absolutely everything would need to go right in the 2nd half for us to win this. It’s true that we have been able to make some halftime adjustments, but so far we’ve been terrible at adjusting and Cal has been great. I expect us to get outcoached at the half too.

Need to not let cal score right out of the half. If they do game will be over.

It’s possible that Cal could have shot their wads early. We will see

Good start to the half.


Even the Cal punter is having a Heisman night. :roll_eyes:

I saw that pick coming from a mile away… :roll_eyes:

Another no back backfield and deep drop play. That is so stupid.

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