Buckle up. Justin dropping hammers on Middle Tennessee breakdown!

Enjoy, it’s ruthless and on point!

2nd worst loss? I guess FIU is #1

I’d say you are correct.

I’m trying to keep reminding myself that it’s year one. Butch had bad losses back then.

But we have ACC games the rest of the way with no bye week after this one. If anyone thinks we’re a shoe in to win these game they’re stupid. This team is woefully bad. Hell I have season tickets and kinda don’t want to make the effort to go anymore.

Follow up truth bombs.

Clemson comes to mind with #1 worst.
FIU is up there though.

MTSU 45-31 under Mario
FIU 30-24 under Manny
LA Tech 14-0 under Manny
Duke 20-12 under Richt
UVA 48-0 under Randy
Larry didn’t really have any WTF but just a bunch of losses
ECU 31-6 (1996) under Butch
Erickson didn’t have any bad losses
JJ didn’t have any bad losses
Florida A&M 16-13 (1979) under Howard
San Diego State 31-20 (1979) under Howard

The good news- is we don’t have any more cupcake games BUT Mario could drop a game to UVA/Duke/GT to score another BAD loss.

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  • Miami 31 Maryland 0 at half, Maryland 42 Miami 40 final
  • Florida State 38 Miami 3
  • Boston College 47 Miami 45 (never should have happened)
  • Tennessee 35 Miami 7
  • Penn State 14 Miami 10 (kind of a big one)

Let’s at least try to remember what actually happened. I know you’re talking about vs. the dregs of humanity but these were really tough to digest nonetheless.

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48-0 VA Shannon
30-24 FIU. (first year coach, so I’m patient but still gross)
Shannon’s last game to USF
45-31 MTSU (first year coach, so I’m patient but still gross)

Are probably my four finalists

*The La Tech bowl game under Diaz was awful too, but I’ve seen crazy shit in bowl games due to only one side being motivated. But that probably rounds out top 5

62-26 800 yards of offense vs. UNC for Diaz, albeit against a good team in '20 is close too…That was disgusting, especially considering we had some players on the field.

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You mean the 12th ranked Maryland team?
You mean the 15th ranked FSU team?
You mean the 10th ranked BC team?
You mean the 8th ranked Tennessee team?
You mean the 2nd ranged PSU team?

You really think those 5 teams had the talent disadvantage MSTU had? Ok, I guess I’ll dig up Miami UW, Miami Syracuse…

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Maryland was 6-2 when we played them and hadn’t beaten anyone. If they were 12th in America then that’s like saying Miami was actually 18th when this season began. :roll_eyes:

I don’t care if we’re beating the Kansas City Chiefs at halftime 31-0, we better find a way to close it out.

EDIT: Actually, I was looking at 1985 Maryland. This was 1984. The Terps were 5-3 when they rolled into Miami and again, hadn’t beaten anyone with a pulse. Won by 3 at eventual 8-4 West Virginia to that point. Nothing else. Yeah, I can be pissed about not closing out a 31-0 halftime game. No, they’re not Middle Tennessee but a margin that wide should be something a team can protect.