Lot to unpack here. Well worth the read.
The American right wing invented their own religion.
So funny how the left just despises religion
When both liberalism and religion have the same strengths and weaknesses, and at their core, liberalism and christianity the same intent. Really the only thing they differ on is abortion.
Still no bigger comedy on this board when this goof warden typed “being a democrat is built around being nice to people”. Pure comedy.
Until they desperately need Him. What’s the old saying? There are no atheists in foxholes.
It’s only when you think your life will go on forever that you have the arrogance to mock god.
We ALL should stand together against this, Christians and non Christians alike.
Unfortunately, it is mostly democrats who are resisting
GSC has shown it clearly…he doesn’t believe in the concept of a representative democracy
You’re the one that doesn’t understand basic constitutional law.
Obviously, that’s why all the cases you’ve been so passionate about have turned out in your favor, huh? Oh wait…
Nothing you can do about both activist and cowardly judges.
Right, right…it’s not that you’re wrong, it’s that everyone in the world is against you. Makes total sense…for the little boy you are
It’s fascinating to watch a grown man act like such a child