Border wall

It’s a serious question. And no one has given an explanation yet.

Fuck me! Look at that

No stars again.

Weird fucking cameras guys. Almost like they are selective about what is being exposed and what isn’t being exposed.

Unfortunately, he’s dead serious.

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Why doesn’t the second video of them approaching the meteor or asteroid or whatever the fuck that thing is…. Why no stars genius?

Also, they sent 2 vehicles up there? One is filming the other?

You guys believe this L Ron Hubbard, fake Star Trek bullshit if you like. It’s a no gracias for me.

7,000,000 miles away but we can’t get higher than low earth orbit.

Fucking hilarious.

I wonder if he really thinks no one has ever thought to ask this question before? I wonder if he has ever used I know he’s a fucking idiot.

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I wonder if you’ll actually answer my question.

Why stars in one and no stars in the other?

And who is filming in your picture? The USS Enterprise with Captain Picard?

The first Google search is your friend, idiot.

In other words you can’t answer?

Were there multiple cameras there?

And they reacted differently to the light and vacuum of space?

Come on genius. Answer the fucking question.

Why answer? You won’t believe anything I say. I’ve shown you the way to the water, you can drink it yourself or not, Idgaf.

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I legit don’t get it.

Like, does he think it’s all fake, and OOPS, NASA FUCKING FORGOT NOT TO ADD CGI STARS!

It’s hard to comprehend his angle here.

Wait, GSC…

Just to get this straight here…

Is your entire argument in this thread based on an artist rendering of the event not exactly matching the NASA footage?

(Also, this is fun to type into google:)'s+dart+spacecraft&source=hp&ei=MRo1Y4mCM6yi5NoPjJqGmAs&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAYzUoQUeHxlHx-yTLWsOSdzaJ6sZQeqPk&ved=0ahUKEwjJ3su3kLn6AhUsEVkFHQyNAbMQ4dUDCAg&uact=5&oq=nasa's+dart+spacecraft&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6uAED-AEBMgUQABjEAjIHEAAYxAIYCjIGEAAYHhgWMgYQABgeGBYyBhAAGB4YFjIGEAAYHhgWMgYQABgeGBYyBRAAGIYDMgUQABiGAzIFEAAYhgPCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICBBAAGAPCAggQABixAxiDAcICBBAAGEPCAhMQLhiABBixAxiDARjHARjRAxgKwgIFEAAYgATCAgYQABgKGAPCAgcQABiABBgKwgIIEAAYHhgIGA1IkhZQAFjeFHAAeADIAQCQAQCYAdwBoAG3D6oBBjcuMTAuMQ&sclient=gws-wiz


Just answer the question.

Either one of those photos is a fake or they both are.

Don’t you see that?

The photo and the video both purport to show the same event. One has stars in the background, the other doesn’t.

Different cameras?

And the photo Djrion posted- who took that picture? We sent 2 different ones up? One films the other does the work?

Don’t you both see how dumb you both are for believing this nonsense?

Asked and answered already, no?

Like, are you literally talking about the image at the top of the thread with yellow arrows on it? Yes, that is a CG diagram. Is that the basis of your conspiracy?

You’re sitting here calling everybody dumb for THAT?


Yes, he’s that stupid folks.

GSCl :lying_face: wn strikes again

The sad part is he really doesn’t believe we landed on the moon and refuses to accept 3rd grade explanations for why stars don’t show up in photos in space

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He’s never been too far off of Storm. These are literal mental deficiencies

But but but who stayed on the moon to film the lift off guysm???

Ever think about that.

Case closed.

I’m a fucking idiot.

GSCl :lying_face: wn

The extent of the Dunning Kruger Effect within GSC is remarkable. They are among us…you could be standing next him and not know he’s a literal imbecile.

I want everyone to follow these mutants line of reasoning.

Storm and I, and others who believe in conspiracies, have mental deficiencies….

But they come back day after day to argue with us. On a Miami Hurricanes board that has 114 members (and Warden isn’t even a fan).

Ask yourself, based on the premise above, who has the mental deficiencies.


I’m a retired fan. So you can include me as “not a fan” too. We will never let you shit post and lie continuously in this virtual world without appropriately calling you out.

3 points.
1st - “They” come back “day to day” to argue with “us”? This is that Trump mentality that things are yours, that this is YOUR base, and anyone you don’t agree with is an outsider. This is no more yours than DJ, or even mine. You’re not special and this is not yours.

2nd - [quote=“GardenStateCane, post:38, topic:4776”]
(and Warden isn’t even a fan).

False. I get to choose whom I am a fan of, not you. Miami just isn’t my #1 team.

3rd - Also, 114 members are on the board itself, not the Storm Shelter. Storm Shelter is visited regularly by about 8-9 people.

Again, you have to be dishonest in order to try and prove your point…but, you never do. Instead, you just show you’re dishonest.

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