
I expected UGA to win but geez, it got late early.

I thought 13 points might be a lot to cover. At this rate, UGA should cover 40+.

If Miami had a huge lead like this and continued to throw, Ara Parseghian might come back from the dead and start crying about what poor sports they are.

At 45-7, you pull the starters and run the clock down. TCU never even showed up tonight. I feel sorry for the TCU fans that traveled to the game.


65-7…leaving Ohio State to forever think about “what could have been”.

See, always a silver lining! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But seriously, this is why in college football…purple frogs need not apply. I have to wonder not just about Ohio State but how does Michigan not beat this team ten days ago? Really?

Everyone knows that Central Florida is the true National Champion!!!

Kirby was 8-5 in his first season at UGA with Richt’s stacked 10 win team from 2015. Almost lost to Nichols State, did lose to Vandy and GT, UF, Ole Miss (blown out) and Tennessee on a Hail Mary. Could have easily been 6-7 or worse that year. Many UGA fans were thinking his hiring was a huge mistake.

But since then he has recruited like crazy $$$ and the roster is absurdly stacked now. Next season, he loses 25 year old Bennett who is very underrated and is a bit like Dorsey in that he makes few errors.
He played great this season and will be hard to replace.

The point is if you can stack four, five or six great classes on top of each other, you end up with a very dominant team. And if the dice roll your way, a national championship or two.

Mario is in year one and he started with much less than Kirby did roster wise. And even though the team sucked, he pulled in a Top 5 class. Two more classes like that and Miami is winning again based on sheer talent, five more and Miami is Top 10 pretty much every year.

I still don’t see Gattis working out but hope to be proven wrong.

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The coaching staff of TCU got everything out of their players this year. Better than I have seen is a while. But key spots exposed them that coaching could not over compensate for.

I think we have some good coaches on staff but I just can not get over the fact that we had such a strong OC in 2021 and made our kids look descent only to have Gattis take over and these kids looked so bad collectively. I do not believe Gattis is the guy. I don’t care how many 5 stars come on line. Steele at least had our D looking competitive with a group of guys who were lower power 5 players except for 3 players.

My point is that Mario has such a long ways to go to get to the TCU level of getting everything out of a player collectively to get them on a magical run.

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What’s the point? You can have both aspects.

Would have been better for the ncaa if OSU was 3 and TCU 4. That way you guarantee Michigan or OSU in that final game.

Bigger question- does TCU win 3 games if it was an 8 or 12 team playoff