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What I ignore are unjust examples of outrage. There is no wholesale genocide on black people committed by police, but there is genocide about which you apparently could not care less. It’s not just you. It is the entire leftist media. You need think independently not as Marxist would have you think. The problem is the genocide and its location is in big, liberal cities. Why is the murder of a 5 time loser, high on drugs, ex-convict, neighborhood detritus more important than kids shot while on their grandparents lap in the cities. And, it happens every week. It is non-stop. But, you don’t give a rat’s ass about it. You’re like part of a mob hungry for revenge against a cop who will likely be convicted wrongly of manslaughter. That this case is being tried in Minneapolis is a legal travesty. How can this cop get a fair trial or do you not think he deserves one. Keith Ellison isn’t using his attorneys, but hired top guns from private firms to prosecute this case. Poor Chauvin just has Nelson, lawyer for the union, who has done a pretty damn good job.

Lmfao. You think you hold the key to understanding what is unjust? You want to police people on their situation and tell them when they should get mad about being beat down?

You wish you had that power. Just another lenghty SHIT post from one of the WOAT writers.

Bikki - it’s all awful. The crime in Chicago especially is awful. It absolutely needs to change.

Again, what you willingly ignore is the long history I mentioned above. If that mistreatment never happened, you wouldn’t have these reactions.

But you can’t change history, and sadly, those reactions happen. I don’t like them because they result in violence and destruction, but I understand why they happen.

And if I may add - the sensitivity to this goes up a few pegs because these are government officials, who have the power to take your freedom (and life) away. And when you have that power, it can be corruptible. People like that in positions of power also need to be held accountable.

And I’ve not seen you one time - not once - defend a black man wrongly killed by a cop. Not one. And there are PLENTY of justifiable killings by cops who are defending themselves. Regardless of circumstance, you rush to the defense of the cop. It wouldn’t shock me at all if you rushed to defend the cops on the examples I gave above - both of whom were convicted of murder.

It seems you rush automatically into trust mode with cops, and assumption mode with the perp.

I’ll say it again, the BLM movement is a complete sham that has suckered innocent folks in. Hook, line and sinker.