Bigotry over patriotism

Neither…Why would I?

You’re healthy huh?

These people are so lost

Which means NOTHING. Hell, Putin funded and wrote it too. Then he allows it to be played in his country. Then he pays people to pass it around. I imagine it is the only song played on the radio by Putin decry. Perhaps in a few years he will allow the plebeians to have another song. We can’t wait for the sequel.

There are lots of possible reasons. Also lots of reasons not to care. That’s why I asked.

I answered.

We good? Or do you need 4 days worth of back and forth like our fake racism policing/mathematically cahllenged/goal post moving/bratty cunt motherfucking board moderator 51??

Good with what? You asked me a question (“Why would I?”) and I gave you my answer. I don’t understand where the defensiveness is coming from.

Here’s another music video for you bikki. It doesn’t have the high production value of yours but it’s strangely catchy. It’s about the danger of Ukraine’s Turkish drone… they bayraktar.

Yeah, that’s horseshit. You said Ukraine wasn’t a real country, defended Russia’s right to take it over, and praised Putin. You’re full of shit

The only thing true is my calling Ukraine a made up or manufactured country. Nothing else you wrote is accurate.

GSC is of course right about Ukraine. GSC is a mature thinker capable of cutting through the miasma of propaganda to understand what the hell is going on. Poland believes the entire western part of the country should properly be part of Poland. Russians however have the best case for hegemony since the birthplace of modern Russia and all Eastern Slavs is in Kiev. What Putin wants was described accurately by 305. Putin wants the Donbas and the land bordering the Black Sea. It is yet to be determined what the fate of Odessa will be. Odessa itself has a Russian majority population but ruled over, rather autocratically, by Ukraine. The only other interest Putin might have is a small strip of Moldova where the lingua franca is Russian rather than Romanian.

The war is about over. Zelensky is already talking negotiation, but has little to negotiate. As I have maintained, Putin holds all the cards. The Red Army certainly out performed the Germans who took months to subdue Ukraine. In the long run, Ukraine will be better off without its uber corrupt government and not being a haven for foreign billionaires laundering money as well as a haven for the last vestiges of Nazis. Some of you cast your lot with Nazis, and you proclaim moronically to be lovers of democracy.

The biggest lesson to be learned from this war is just how incompetent Biden really is. Europeans are astounded that someone so demented could be leading America. Both he and Kamala are huge embarrassments. Lastly, there would have been no war whatsoever were Trump not Biden guiding the nation… Just another consequence of a rigged election. Trump was so right about the damage Biden would visit on America in just a year’s time. Finally, I believe Biden has exceeded the failure of our worst past president, and has usurped from Obama the mantel of being this nation’s worst president in history. Much of the credit for this chaos can be traced to the progressive crazies some of whom, I don’t need to name them, write messages on this board. How lucky you are to have persons like GSC and Skeeter who are not easily fooled. They’re real Americans, individualists, who think for themselves.

That just means all of Russia should belong to Ukraine.

Really, all countries are “made up.”

They’ve been “talking negotiation” for weeks. In the meantime, Russia is losing gained ground and making tactical retreats around Kyiv.

Russia KNOWS it will take months to subdue Ukraine. This is a country where they have only taken one major city, which is now contested again. The majority of the country is still free, and civilians are protesting in the minority of the country where they’re occupied.

The biggest lesson learned from this war is how corrupt and out-of-date Russia’s military is. Even the US is astounded by how majorly thwarted Russia has been.

Trump was wrong about Putin being a genius. He really stepped in the dog doo on this one.

It was more spillover to make an example of how most people (possibly yourself as well) can exchange posts without making it into a 4 day affair like certain would be board moderators

305, what you guys don’t know about the history of the last thirty years which precludes you from understanding what is transpiring now. Putin most certainly is a genius, a world class leader, especially when compared to the fool we now have in the White House. It would take me hours to bring you up to speed, especially when you believe Russia is in any way losing the war in Ukraine. You are being played 305 as is anyone who relies on MSM telling the truth.

Here’s a good question for you find the answer. Why is Ukraine, a nation of considerable resources and high educated people so poor? Why isn’t Russia as poor as Ukraine? Why are there Ukraine billionaire oligarchs? How are Russian oligarchs different than those in Ukraine? Why does Kiev, capital of a poor nation, have so many swanky brothels costing its patrons thousands of dollars a visit? Who visits these clubs?

One last question. What single decision on the part of Ukraine compelled the Russian invasion?

There you have it. Pure, 200% traitor to the USA.

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What’s adorable is how he tries to tell you Russia is doing marvelously, despite all things you read, watch, listen to, and every other form of observation. This Bikki, like we’ve said before, is a pure locust. From tanks with no infantry, paratroopers with no air support, to even the overall impact…Ukraine has more tanks, more weaponry, more anti-aircraft missiles than they did before the war. Russia has quite a few less generals, fleeing soldiers, wasn’t the most sanctioned country on the planet, the world actually thought they might be formidable, while now they have a broken down military destroyed by arrogance and years of corruption, etc. This cat Bikki, Axis Sally rather, wants you to follow the Trump method…deny your eyes, deny your ears, deny your brain, deny reality in favor of the fantasy lie he wants to create. Pathetic

Is Ukraine corrupt like Russia? Sure. They were both spawned by the Soviet Union and have similar problems.

Ukraine cannot beat Russia on the battlefield. Russia can win, but Ukraine can cost them resources, lives, and YEARS to achieve it.

This is what Russia realized. This is why Russia is withdrawing from Kyiv.

Putin may be a savvy politician, but he’s no war general, as this debacle clearly shows.

Very interesting take

Trump’s foreign policy was guided by wisdom. It was extremely successful. Ergo, it is quite natural to believe Ukraine would not have been invaded had Trump been at the helm. All the chaos that has ensued is consequential due to a rigged election.

The redoubtable Victor Davis Hansen’s predictions, I believe, most certainly will materialize.

Being a cynic goes with experience, part of aging. It also is illustrative of being an independent thinker who prizes the rights of the individual. No, emphatically no, socialists do not know what is good for all. Government needs to leave people the hell alone as much as possible.

Biden’s failure is in terms of magnitude is colossal. Cannot wait for the hearings to begin after the Republicans take over the House and the past dealings of Hunter, the Big Guy, and the Biden Mafia will be exposed to sun light. In contrast, Trump could be considered a Boy Scout. Trump’s greatness is seen often as Biden’s failure continue unabatedly.

Hilarious coming from a self proclaimed Russian citizen who loves Putin.

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Yes. Maybe worse.