Assistant Principal talks about indoctrinating children

And purposely not hiring Catholics.

Ahem- @Canes51 - I thought this shit was just my paranoia?

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The Post Millennial employed Cosmin Dzsurdzsa as among its first hires from late 2018 to September 2019, by which point he had written over 500 articles for the site. After the National Observer asked The Post Millennial about Dzsurdzsa’s previous articles published in Russia Insider and his work for Free Bird Media, sites known for pro-Kremlin propaganda and platforming of white supremacists, respectively, the publication parted ways with Dzsurdzsa.[21][22]

As far as the video, we’ve seen YEARS of Veritas being caught misleading with selective editing and fraud.


This dude just HAS TO be contrarian. He’s defending a man who is entrusted with the safety of children, caught on camera talking about indoctrinating them into LGBTQ.

You’re an asshole. There’s just no other way around it.

You’re dishonest and a pervasive pusher of lies on the reg. Veritas has been shown extensively to selectively edit videos and the members and leader guilty of a myriad of crimes throughout their existence. This is another selectively edited video. More bullshit

This just shows the type of person you are. The fact that you view being accepting and not hating LGBTQ people as being “indoctrinated” shows your base desire of hatred towards said people. The issue you have is that the world is more accepting of something you hate, people you hate and despise, people who you think are lesser humans and constructed in sin.

Bigots like you have always played victim, always claimed others were “indoctrinating” when they were just being nice and not hating others.

You’re a bad person, inherently. One of your kids, for sure, will be gay. It’s how it works.

Did everybody see the deflection?

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You’re such a whiny little bitch. You’ve been called out and not addressed it…again, you believe that “indoctrination” is NOT HATING someone you hate.

You’re nothing but a bigot. Well, you’re also dishonest, a douchebag who can’t man up and live in reality, a narcissist, a whiny bitch, a hypocrite and several other things, but in today’s context of this post…you’re a bigot…oh, a a little whiny bitch who can’t stand on his own feet.

Do I need to find and post your own very comments on LGBTQ? And then we’ll find out who the real bigot is maybe?

How about they teach kids some math, spelling, etc…And get the fuck out of their heads? AKA their job…

You’re a bad person, inherently. One of your kids, for sure, will be gay. It’s how it works.

And what if none of his kids end up gay? That would mean you wouldn’t know what the fuck are you are talking about then right?

You’re deflecting. Again, you’re a bigot who thinks that if you don’t hate them, you’re indoctrinating.

They do, while being attacked by jackoffs like GSC and while paying for their own supplies and supplementing their income with a 2nd or 3rd job and then having to volunteer for all kinds of activities involved in their school so it keeps functioning.

Sure, why not. How are we going to monitor that? I think it’s only right that we have the data streamed so it can be monitored, right? What if the server goes down? You’ll need to provide a continuity plan, it’s only fair.
So, what’s the plan? When is this being implemented? I guess Bikki will have to monitor until they turn 18 as he’s the only one on here apparently with such proclivities.

So why say it?

It was a stupid fucking comment.

They do, while being attacked by jackoffs like GSC and while paying for their own supplies and supplementing their income with a 2nd or 3rd job and then having to volunteer for all kinds of activities involved in their school so it keeps functioning.

I know man…They really got it rough. Someone get this man a violin.

“World needs plenty of bartenders”

That’s pretty shitty. Not surprised by you writing it, though. Something tells me you just weren’t raised right

What’s shitty?

You giving these asshole teachers a pass? Tell em go flip burgers then…Give a fuck about their 2nd and 3rd job. (and I’m not sure I know any teacher with a 2nd or 3rd job…I mean I’m sure I do and just forgot, but the majority I know don’t have one)

Your parents failed you. It’s pretty sad.

Last I checked they get a paycheck. They should be doing what they are paid for and leaving their political opinions the fuck away from children.

Pretty simple stuff here.

Give a fuck about their 2nd and 3rd jobs…

I’d bet my last dollar that GSC is a formidable parent, because he’s an exemplary individual who obviously loves America. The same goes for Skeeter with whom I join in believing that the main role of public education is not to indoctrinate children into woke haters, but to teach them them skills that will lead to being successful in life.

Once the disciplinarian of a 3,000 student urban high school, my main focus was protecting the estimated 95% of students who comported themselves appropriately against the thugs, many of whom I dissuaded from remaining enrollees of the said school. Five of thugs turned out to be murderers. Some I managed to get into the Army or Marine Corp. Some I just kept home on suspension due to their propensity of being violent and injuring others. That year, my cumulative suspensions numbered 6,000 days.

Here, I am alluding to the Sixties during the first year of integration. The school was blessed in having a wonderful, no nonsense faculty that fostered always a positive viewpoint, always encouraging students to aspire to love their country, school, classmates, and teachers. After a rocky start, we changed the school from a problem school to one of the best in the region.

Today, concern in schools that fail is the overzealous attention given to the idea that thugs can be rehabilitated. Some can be, but others cannot. Their parents, if they have parents, cannot handle them, certainly schools cannot, nor can even the police and juvenile court system. Some even misbehave in prisons. Wokism causes chaos in American schools and interferes with teaching skills whether vocational or scholarly. Test scores of public schools in America have recently declined versus those of other nations, particularly in Far Eastern nations, where wokism simply doesn’t exist.

Add this to his FAKE resume folks :rofl::laughing::rofl::laughing::rofl:

I attack school faculty? Is this guy serious?

He was mentioned in an article for inappropriate comments. Get a life bro. You’ve been reaching like crazy lately.

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I don’t even read anything by him anymore. I’m not sure he can go 2 sentences without lying.

You definitely could be, I have no idea. That’s why I used “like.” The English language is your friend, traitor. Absolutely people with similar beliefs as you are attacking faculty and school boards.