Another Aussie Punter

Miami signed a kid that I can find nothing on. No videos, no links, no rating, nothing.

Dylan Dinkum or something like that.

Edit: Dylan Joyce is his name. Another Aussie-Irish punter.

I wonder if Hedley turned Miami on to this kid or if they found him by some other method.

Big trend towards Aussie punters

It wouldn’t surprise me if UM kept it under wraps intentionally. Also, still the chance he’s PWO. No idea, sure we’ll learn more in coming days.

Last one worked out very well!

No tats so have to land one more just in case.

Seriously, 94 transferred in from Oregon and netted around 50-55 per punt vs mtsu. Just slow kicking it!

Ruiz has agreed to pay for full body tattoos for young Dylan. Apparently, this clinched the deal.

And it looks like signing a player with zero stars dropped Miami from #3 to #4 in the recruiting class rankings.

Hopefully, he is Lou Hedley, Jr.

Edit: I was finally able to locate his photo.