I want to remind all that Islam is a religion of peace. Everybody knows that the growth of Islam in any country is a sign of healthy diversity, and diversity is strength. At this moment, we need to take extreme measures to prevent Islamophobia. We need to be tolerant and bask in the splendiferousness of multiculturalism. We need not focus on Muslim terrorism when we all know that the greatest threat to America , as hyper-smart Warden says, is white supremacy.
Data says that, not me. I simply show you the data by which you celebrate rather than recoil. Let’s not forget, when 51 were killed by the Christchurch Shooter, the white supremacist, you celebrated by referencing the site who posted his blog and manifesto.
Weird how you never write about any of these attacks when it’s not about Islam. Most of the time you’re celebrating our domestic terror events. Tired of getting your ass kicked in every other post, you decided to make a new one? Also, diversity? The guy was born in Texas and served in the Army. Did you want to audit everyone’s religion and deport them if they answer wrong? Sounds more like a child lashing out at someone he doesn’t like as opposed to a policy position of any kind. You seniles get more like little children by the day.
No it clearly doesn’t…you misled, meltdown-prone, race-baited fucking cuck
Warden has a forest/tree recognition problem. Throngs of immigrants are not invading Lesotho, Honduras, or Haiti. They are invading Western civilized countries, created by Europeans which attests to the superiority of European cultures over those of countries from which immigrants flee.
Anyone with an operating cerebral cortex discerns easily that white supremacy is not a major problem in any nation on this planet. Certainly, atrocities committed by white people occur, but they are statistical anomalies.
Islam foments terrorism, because it is intrinsically radical and substantially less ethical textually than Judeo-Christianism, and not amenable to change. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims. Angola has actually banned Islam and destroyed the nation’s mosques. Switzerland does not recognize Islam as a religion and prohibits Muslim apparel that dehumanize women. There is great validity, I think,in questioning whether Islam meets criteria for being a protected religion, or whether it should be regarded as a primitive and violent political ideology. Should mosques which preach unadulterated hatred be tax exempt? How about CAIR? CAIR supports Hamas which should be extinguished from the face of the planet. Curiously, many leftist Democrats are Hamas apologists.
Rejection of idiocy, which includes Islam, is mounting throughout the Western world. We’re seeing this in Germany, Holland, France, Italy, Canada, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, and so forth. Warden is just out of step with reality, attempting to submit anomalies for true sociological reality. Luckily, this chat group is filled with persons of considerable sound judgement who reject as complete fatuity Warden’s premise of white supremacy being the greatest threat to our nation.
Honduras and Haiti were created by Europeans and are in the West. All 3 countries you listed have a long colonial history of being robbed of their resources, Haiti even having to pay for their own freedom to France, which is why they are still broke. They’re literally still paying.
Yet, European countries are the ones who destroyed the 3 you listed. Ironically, you’re heavily in favor of Eastern Russia over said European countries.
Despite me not being able to stand Islam, data proves you wrong…at least over the last 20 years.
Really? Then, why were the following pictures of Islamic countries just a few decades ago?
"Switzerland officially recognizes Islam as one of the religions practiced in the country. While Switzerland does not have an official state religion, it allows for freedom of religion under its constitution. Muslims make up approximately 5-6% of the Swiss population, primarily due to migration from countries such as Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and North African nations.
However, it’s important to note that religious recognition in Switzerland is largely determined at the cantonal (regional) level. Some cantons may officially recognize specific religious communities, which can grant them certain rights, such as tax privileges or access to public funding. In most cases, Islam is not formally recognized as a “state religion” at the cantonal level, unlike some Christian churches, but Muslim communities are free to organize and practice their faith."
In 2013, reports emerged alleging that Angola had prohibited Islam and demolished mosques. However, the Angolan government officially denied these claims. The Ministry of Culture stated, “There is no war in Angola against Islam or any other religion.”
"While it’s true that some mosques have been closed or demolished, these actions were part of a broader initiative targeting unregistered religious structures, affecting various faiths, not exclusively Islam. The government requires religious groups to meet specific criteria for legal recognition, including a minimum number of adherents and presence across provinces. Many religious groups, including Islamic organizations, have not met these criteria, leading to the closure of their places of worship.
Therefore, the assertion that Angola has outright banned Islam and destroyed all mosques is inaccurate. The situation involves regulatory measures affecting multiple religious groups, not a targeted ban on Islam."
No churches or mosques should be tax exempt
Probably less than the Nazi loving conservatives who are
The only thing you’ve ever been right about was the Lozanov Method and that was because you didn’t write on it, you just did the footnotes like a lackey.
You have such an inferiority complex. Somewhat like that clown faced tranny Donald Trump who wears more makeup than his escort wife.
JD wears eyeliner. Gaetz wear foundation and Donny has a daily makeup routine…and yet, they hate transsexuals.
I thought you’d enjoy playing Where is Waldo.
You know, I’m pretty good at finding Waldo. You’d know
On that subject, pretty famous picture relating to your family. Kind of neat. Notice the sign above
As a note you might be thrilled with - I did remove myself from the DNC, changed my party affiliation away from Democrat and told the DNC and ActBlue to never contact me again.
As a note you might be thrilled with - I did remove myself from the DNC, changed my party affiliation away from Democrat and told the DNC and ActBlue to never contact me again.
Lol…Emotional little spazz
Diehard partisan turned “Never contact me again”…Lol he was such a diehard
Enjoy the meltdown.
Nope, I was quite clear a long time ago…if they ban Tik TTok, I’ll never vote them again. They did, so I did. It’s not even the app itself, its the fact that for decades all I’ve heard is the other side won’t talk, won’t let us do this or that. But, they could collectively band together for the sake of Zuckerberg and AIPAC and ban an app because our companies couldn’t compete with it and allowed for discourse without adherence to their corporate masters. The national security they are worried about isn’t China taking your data. They literally sell that data to China themselves. The national security threat is you or me, the viewer, not buying the story anymore.
Also, after some communication…China was overwhelmingly better in every aspect to their people than we are to ours.
Sorry, this is a horseshit take.
Facebook has been banned in China since 2009.
The Great Firewall of China blocks sites like “Gmail, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others.”
Don’t even try to talk about “competition” in free speech with China. The way I see it, if they block our apps, we have a right to block theirs.
Meh…Details, details 305
Dont’ waste your breath
Just enjoy the meltdown with the rest of us.
First, Tik Tok is 60% owned by foreign investors ranging from hedge funds, Black Rock, Susquehanna International Group, etc…20% owned by the two company’s founders and 20% owned by its employees, 7000 of which are Americans. The idea this was about data is for the naive. This was about blocking anything against Israel by AIPAC and handing Zuckerberg his competition. The Dems and the GOP handed it right to them. Go check their META purchases the day before the bill.
Second, if you think Facebook is somehow your app or benefiting you in any way, you’re way past the mark.
I’m not sure what exactly you’re stating with regard to free speech and China. Nobody ever made the claim that China was competing with us regarding free speech. What does free speech get you, exactly? Did it get you affordable healthcare not run by insurance executives who’s method is deny, defend, depose? Did it get you food that isn’t poison? Did that free speech get you a working government or anyone to give a shit when elementary school kids were shot in the face? Did it get you a water system where less than 100% of everyone you’ve ever known to have microplastics in their system? In fact, what exactly did that free speech get you? It got you a fascist conman in governance with more billionaires in government positions than even the worst clone of Brave New World could muster controlling every form of communication available.
You have lots of free speech. You have an opinion, but you have no real choices.
Tik Tok is not on my team. Rednote is not on my team either. But, if you think Facebook is somehow on your team, you lost the game a long time ago.
Who mentioned “a team”? Dumb little partisan cunt.
This little cunt just needs to feel like he’s part of something, so funny to watch.
Enjoying the meltdown thoroughly!
I must’ve been typing too fast or something. I meant competition in a free market, not free speech. You’re saying Facebook can’t compete with Tik Tok so they got it banned, but my point is that China has been unfairly playing the game a long time. If China’s been banning our social media apps for years, why shouldn’t we follow suit?
You need to understand that we are in an official Cold War with China. It’s the 1980s again but with a different rival.
And no, I fucking hate Facebook, I don’t think they’re on “my team” at all.
In part, the other part was its role in the Palestinian cause. Some Congresspeople along with a couple of cats from AIPAC are on record about it. It allowed discourse over the Israel/Palestinian issue that couldn’t be controlled by the mainstream media outlets and that was a problem for them.
I don’t consider Facebook “our” app. Also, I think it’s a virus. I don’t blame them for banning it. Tik Tok didn’t scrub my info and sell it to Russians to elect Trump.
to an extent I get that, but why. I don’t accept the premise. China only threatens us economically, and only in that it could take the top spot. It’s not like they’re decimating our economy. We just have people who want to go to war so they can say they are #1 in GDP. What the fuck do I care? China doesn’t threaten us militarily like Russia. China built an entire military and navy based upon near-sea goals, not “blue water” goals. This is a rouse. I’m not buying into it.
Let’s be clear about history -
The GOP opened up China to the rest of the world
The GOP gave China all it needed to compete and brought industrialization
The GOP gave China the bomb
The GOP literally had a sit down with heads of industry in the early 80s and convinced them to offshore jobs
The GOP put in tax breaks to promote offshoring of jobs
The GOP protected those tax breaks when Democrats tried to remove them
THEN, the GOP told you that they were a threat to you when they got too big and kept stealing trade secrets
I have no ties to China or much sympathy. But, I also don’t consider them a military threat against me or my family. Also, being # 1 in GDP hasn’t benefited anyone but the top 1% for decades. It’s a meaningless title. China has healthcare for its people and you can guy groceries that don’t kill you. We don’t and we can’t. China treats its people much better than we treat ours. So, if I’m supposed to have an enemy, it’s not China. It’s US billionaires, health care companies, parts of the government, hedge funds, VC groups, and a myriad of other groups it would take too long to name. I don’t have space for China in that list.
Never thought you’d be guilty of repeating a Candace Owens talking point.
This is absurd. Talk of banning Tik Tok started before these events.
Why does it matter what you consider it? You directly said Facebook couldn’t compete - while ignoring that China has not allowed it to compete.
Are you claiming that Tik Tok doesn’t collect / sell user info?
This stance is about 15-20 years out of date.
China absolutely has a blue water navy and is actively building more capacity, 100 times faster than we have the ability to. Aircraft carriers, nuclear subs, 5th gen fighter aircraft, you name it.
Now the GOP AND the DNC will tell you that China is our main rival. That has nothing to do with hating billionaries (which by the way can be Chinese too).