A Take On The Economy

I came across this video. Your thoughts? I personally believe his assessment is accurate and backed by data that is readily available.

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Great video. Unfortunately it’s a little too much context for dumb people to care about or understand.

I love the economic charts. “Obama built the house, Trump just lived in it.”

I take exception to the “no wars under Trump” thing, because the Ukraine war WAS going on under Trump. Americans don’t realize thousands of Ukrainian soldiers died before 2022.

Overall a fair video, and he actually gives Trump props for a couple things.

It was about as fair as he could be. He was able to add context, which is always important.

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Trump gets attacked by you idiots like he burned the fuckin house down…Isn’t a good thing he continued any progress made my Obama?

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The problem with a video like this trying to tell people why it was better now than when Trump was in office or why they should thank Obama during Trump’s years is that people don’t care.

They know what it’s like now and know what it was like for them then and make the call based on who was president.

You can try all you want to tell them to ignore their lying eyes but it doesn’t work.

That’s why Trump leads on the poll question of who’s better for the economy.

You mean…until he left with 2.7 million jobs lost, unemployment at 6.7%, trade deficits up 36%, uninsured up by 3 million, federal debt up over $7 trillion, illegal immigration up from 2016, the murder rate at its highest point since 1997 and 77,000 people dead from Covid?


This cunt’s favorite political side crusades for “ZeroCovid”…Had kids in masks until damn near '23…Then they attack Trump when his numbers tank because of covid. Go back to late 19/early 20…Then see me with some numbers, cunt

So would it have been better if just say 3500 people were dead, unemployment at 17%, 6-7 million jobs lost, etc…etc?

Can’t have it both ways dipshit…You’re a disgusting fucking partisan sheep…Can’t help yourself. Rinse/repeat

Like I said, too much context for dumb people to care about or understand. I totally agree that you can’t change someone’s mind if they’re more interested in being set in their ways than looking at data.

The majority of the public doesn’t get into economic data. I don’t know that I’d call them dumb. I know a lot of people that don’t get into politics. It doesn’t make them dumb for that either.

They look at their bank account and the factors that are measurable and tangible. How far their dollar goes, how much for gas and groceries etc.

It’s hard to sell someone that you are the answer when you are part of the administration that is in power when people are feeling the crunch.

If you are in the upper class, it’s easy to shrug it off.

I mean, voting for economic policy based on feels while ignoring the data is a dumb thing to do.

“Making the call based on who was president” is a dumb way to make the call, because economic policy takes time to develop and presidents are often set up by the presidents before them.

This is what this video is attempting to educate about. Refusing to be educated is dumb.

I would agree however that the people aren’t necessarily dumb. Normal people can do dumb things, so I’ll just say not caring about the details of your primary motivation in voting is dumb.

I won’t refute this. Unfortunately for voters, both parties represented in this election were part of administrations that caused the inflation, so it’s kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation.

It is curious, however, that you never say the same thing about Biden when we talk about inflation.
Theoretically, we can pretend every President is great as long as we erase all the external things that happened during that time they had to deal with.
George W Bush might have been amazing if he didn’t have the Enron/Worldcom crisis, 9/11, two of the longest wars in American history, the largest recession since the Great Depression, and he just got to sit on his couch for 8 years and eat Cheetos.
You Trump supporters excuse everything about the guy. He had a crisis. He failed in that crisis in every possible way and by every measure EXCEPT the one measure you attack him over…getting a workable vaccine out quickly. We can go through each measure, but there isn’t any of them that are positive outside of the vaccine. He failed.

His numbers before Covid were unremarkable. Pretty much on par with Obama and you want to give him credit for not destroying between Jan 2017 and Jan 2020 when he started lying about Covid? Okay. We can debate specifics, but it wasn’t entirely wrecked, no. It wasn’t much of an achievement either. He did explode the deficits, add a tax cut at the opposite time one would do so, and spend more than anyone else during a non-recession in history.

But, let’s do numbers, yeah?? You want numbers. I have numbers.

Since 1989, under Democrats 50.281 million jobs were created. Under Republican leadership, 1.5444 million jobs. Fact. Want to go back further?

How about since Truman?
Since Truman
70.5 million jobs created under Dem Presidents (7 of them)/429 months / Avg of 164k jobs per month
29.1 million jobs created under Republican Presidents (6 of them)/475 mo/61k avg jobs per month

GDP rose 4.6% under Democrats
GDP rose 2.4% under Republicans

Unemployment fell under Democrats .8 percentage points
Unemployment rose under Republicans 1.1 percentage points

Deficits under Democrats were 2.1% of GDP while under Republicans they were 2.8% of GDP

Since 1945, the S&P 500 averaged an annual gain of 11.2% under Democrats
Since 1945, the S&P 500 averaged an annual gain of 6.9% under Republicans

Corporate profits are your thing? Since 1945, under Democrats, earnings per share grew 12.8% on average under Democratic Presidents versus 1.8% for Republican Presidents.

How about 10 of the last 11 recessions stared under Republican Presidents? In fact, EVERY Republican President since Benjamin Harrison, who served from 1889 - 1893, had a recession start in their first term in office."

Trump was on track to end that streak, but instead he ended the longest economic expansion in American history, which began under Obama.

Those are numbers. None of that actually matters to you, Indiana, Bikki…nada. Again, it’s the immoral black hole’s gravity bringing in the shitbags throughout the country.

Data and history are why I vote the way I do, as listed above. It’s called substance, of which you have little.
Partisanship is “blind adherence to a particular party, faction, cause or person.” Being that the data isn’t on your side, YET you still follow the orange shitbag - here’s your sign.

I think the responsibility is shared by many and it’s not solely on the president for one thing.

There are so many factors that involve the economy that it’s not as simple as this president did X,Y,Z and therefore is responsible for inflation.

Furthermore, while the guy makes some good points, I think you could easily find some economists that make some counter arguments.

All this is simply to say, it’s not easy to point to the cause and effect and most people go on what is happening to them when the president is in charge.

One I will say about the conversation; it’s nice that everyone is talking, and thoughts are conveyed without the ridiculousness that would have been expressed by the permanently and irrevocably banned member. This is how discourse is supposed to look and work. Whether we agree or not, this is way!

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I totally agree, but your entire argument has been the opposite. “People vote based on who was president at the time.” That was your argument.

I believe that they do. I’m not saying it’s right.

I remember when gas prices came down during Obama and I heard everyone saying and posting, “thanks Obama”.

Funny…that’s not what you said when it came to Biden and inflation. Quite the opposite.

I think presidents can influence inflation by decisions they make. I don’t blame Biden solely for the inflationary environment.

I think that was tongue in cheek because he was blamed for alot of things. I could be wrong though.

Point Taken! I have always said though that sometimes we don’t fully realize and see the long term effectiveness of a presidency until after that person has left office.

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Maybe. I know some on social media were dead serious but I’m sure there was some tongue in cheek.