2024 Recruits

Miami is finally starting to sign some kids for 2024.

Hopefully another Top 10 class in the making. To catch up to the best programs, Miami needs to stack
highly ranked classes year after year. The very best teams simply out talent and outsize the opposition.

My quick opinions on the recent ones

Dylan Day- Consensus seems to be he will rise in the rankings, and Guidry has offered this kid for 3 different schools now. Versatile kid and I like the tape

Juan Minaya- Big road grader type massive kid. Not my favorite on tape as he looks slow (big kids usually do) and a little top heavy. But Mirabal/CMC seem to take one of these a year if they see the natural size/strength combo.

CWH- I’ve really liked since UM first offered (basically first major school) back in January. Competition isn’t as good as some other Broward teams, but this kid is just flying by everyone on tape. Needs a little weight, similar to Chris Johnson but with a slightly bigger frame. Very underrated by the services imo.

not sure if we’ll be able get top 10 this year as it looks like the guys were getting arent rated that highly.

that doesn’t really bug me anymore now with NIL and the transfer portal. when you look at how quickly a team like Tennessee, or TCU can turn it around despite not recruiting at an elite level, it shows that top 5 classes arent the only way to win nowdays.

However i’m salivating at the thought of miami having a giant and dominating offensive line again. it seems like we haven’t had one in a decade at least.

I have to say that the word “commit” doesn’t mean much to me anymore. We have an entire season to play AND we have to start winning. Kids can come and love the culture, etc…but if we aren’t winning then they won’t come. With NIL and the Portal the recruiting season isn’t as exciting to me anymore. And these “commits” are only verbal, kids go back on their word all the time.

Lol…Way too early. The highly ranked ones will be coming as long as we show anything on the field.

Seriously in play for quite a few top 100 players. And many committed last year in May, and especially June I believe?


It’s true that the portal somewhat mitigates the importance of regular recruiting. A school can certainly speed up the turnaround process by taking transfers. Assuming Miami starts winning again, 8,9, 10+ wins/season, recruiting should be a breeze given how much talent there is in Florida. Time will tell.


June and July will be when some of the bigger names pop. Currently, Miami is trending for some big time DL talent

i wrote that back in april, and it looks like the trend has continued. i’m not sure what happened to our recruiting but it seems that our $$$ has dried up somehow.

without money we are not getting the big fish…not in recruiting nor in the portal. which means cristobal is done because recruiting was supposed to overcome his coaching limitations.

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Way to early for all this

Lightfoot to UM over OSU is a good start.

While I am somewhat disappointed, this year’s recruiting is far from over. Lightfoot certainly lifts my optimism. Edge rushers are the major disrupters of collegiate offenses. These are the guys that foment QB mistakes, at times causing game the game losing key defensive plays. Lightfoot has great HS stats and a strong, consistent motor. Definitely a prize recruit.

Mario remains a known quantity insofar as recruiting goes. Recruiting is the one area I have confidence in Mario’s ability. What I want to see more than all else is the improvement of our rushing game. I want to see the Canes playing a more physical game, getting away from being one dimensional, depending too greatly on our passing attack. When defensive linemen have to busy themselves stopping ball carriers, their pursuit of the QB is lessened. It’s a helluva lot easier to complete a pass if you’re not running for your life.

As it looks now, the key game of the upcoming season is the Texas A&M game. If we can get by the Aggies, we could come into the tougher latter half of the season unbeaten. Both Mario and Jimbo’s seats are at least on the warm side, so the game is important to both coaches.

Lastly, we have to ask the question whether Van Dyke’s season under Lashley was an anomaly or is Van Dyke just a mediocre QB. We must see the earlier iteration of Van Dyke if we are to have a successful season.

Yeah, I would agree with those who see our recruiting as a bit lacking right now. I think we all really need to face the reality that the U, although still a big brand name, is up against some much bigger wallets which is ALL that college football is now about.
The Portal and NIL have all but killed college football as we knew it.
We can’t land top DT talent for some reason, who knows?

I’ve really tempered my expectations now. I think we all should. And the word “commit” in the mind of a 17-19 year old is just a word. Let’s see who we have once the ink as dried.

Success last year in recruiting had a lot to do with prior relationships. This year most of the relationships were not as strong. Mario is an elite recruiter. I like the class that he is putting together especially when you combine it with last years class. I met the two tackles they landed last year at their camp…those are difference makers up front. Miami is in great shape. Fans just need to sit back and watch this thing being built.

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They flipped Elias Rudolph away from Michigan last night.

Also signed a Top 50 OT from Louisiana.

Class is ranked 15th with 21 recruits.

Still have a shot at a Top Ten class if they close well.