
There are sweeps, and then there is what FSU did to Miami in Coral Gables this weekend. Miami only scored 2 runs all series… FSU scored 34

Complete, utter domination in every phase of the game. Embarrassing. So much for that #6 ranking. :roll_eyes:

And prior to this they were getting runs in on a pretty regular basis…

we cant hit LHP and we have had this problem repeatedly. Its like gino believes he can just ignore and it will go away. We have been anemic offensively for yrs and hiring of dimare just continues the trend. Diaz and DiMare, brought to you by BJames

Not hitting LHPs is certainly a problem… but:
[1] FSU started a RHP.
[2] Miami’s D gave up 34 runs.
[3] Federman was yanked after 3 1/3 innings giving up 7 runs… 3 unearned. (BTW, he has an ERA of 9

Sounds like it’s a LOT more than just not hitting LHPs. That stinks of bad defense and poor pitching

It’s REALLY hard to win games, even with great offense, if your D is giving up double digits.

Federman should never be a starter…he gets stressed too easily and had batters down 0-2 and each time 3rd pitch was in zone and boom, HRs. Errors and being down once again in early innings and our pitching collapses and our players seem to react poorly to negative situations. And yes noles started RHP on sunday but LHP on friday and sat. It was same with VT game. We lost 2. As for errors they seem to come from our veteran players. Twice vilar couldnt get ball out of his glove. Yoyo, a freshman, makes some fielding errors but he has made up for them. As I said we have had an anemic offense for years and not being able to hit off LHP is embarrassing and has never been corrected. There is no excuse for standing with bat on shoulder and watch the balls go by, whether a rhp or lhp. Sigh…