Fair point.
HAHA!!! Yeah, there’s no latent homosexuality in Skeeter at all…glad to hear from you too.
Proceeded it all with nh, sir
I asked about you often if you scroll down a couple months…We were all pulling for you (nh) warden
But really people…Imagine this pathetic little cunt djrion
“I have storm blocked but I happened to be logged in and just read”
"oh hey warden you’re back!!! (On a night I just happened to open 10 new topics)
Those are actual djrion quotes (or near quotes) the last 2 weeks ^^^
Kinda like putting on a mask when there is a camera on.
Bitchmade corny little delusional progressive
I appreciate it and nobody calls me a cunt quite like you do, sir. Mucho appreciated-o.
Lol I was calling dj it… And that’s a funny meme or gif (I get the 2 mixed up, know idea which it is)