The Lie of the Year

Isn’t that what I’ve been saying. It’s one message out of court, and another in court. Why?

I think you do, you just don’t have a good answer.

Again: your panties are in a bunch because of an objection to a subpoena. But you’re entirely fine with 60 trump lawsuits, all but 1-2 of them have been laughed out of court.

Why the double standard?

You ask what do they have to hide? I can (and have) asked the same question about Trump refusing to release his tax returns.

Let’s here it (you’ll either not answer, or deflect).

You guys really don’t understand how a legal process works. Let’s spend a minute. Maybe it’ll help you.

There are 4 types of evidence:


All 4 of these above have different “weights” associated with them due to their nature.

The Trump team has loads of the first 3.

They have sworn corroborated testimony of over a thousand witnesses who corroborate over 15,000 incidents of fraud they either witnessed, participated in, or were trained to commit.

They have demonstrative evidence in the form of mathematical models showing the high probability of fraud.

They have documentary evidence (audio, video, etc)…

But they are struggling with real evidence aka physical evidence, because those voting machines are the property of autonomous states that are fighting to keep them from forensic analysis.

But they even have 2 counties in different states showing identical anomalies in favor of Biden.

Normally a case like this would take years to litigate. Multistate with thousands of moving parts. They are tasked with doing it in under 90 days.

And to boot they have partisan and in some cases cowardly judges that are 90% of the time dismissing on standing. Or they pretend to look at the merits of the case but completely discount it.

You guys have to understand how political this is. A judge that rules for Trump is going to be physically threatened. Their families are going to be threatened. That’s the way the democrats work. The media is going to excoriate them and blame them for riots.

They don’t want to touch this. That’s why the legislative play is much much much more important of a strategy than the courts.

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An excellent post, GSC. Judges have broad leeway to dodge cases and certainly are not apolitical. The level of fraud that occurred during this election cannot be suppressed forever. It surely eventually will be revealed and confirmed. I wonder if Pence can stay strong during the congressional meetings on Jan 6. Pence has a chance to make history.

If Biden is seated, Trump will declassify enough material to have the Dems sweating bullets for a long time. He should pardon Julian Assange. Evidence regarding Seth Rich’s murder needs to be revealed. All documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation likewise released. He should also begin firing attorney generals until one agrees to naming a special prosecutor for Hunter and the Biden Crime family. Biden could not stop such an investigation without facing extreme criticism and outrage about obstruction

Taking guns away from Southerners is another explosive issue. Here’s an Infowars video that expresses the rage of Americans provoked by this election swindle.

Perchance if Trump is reelected, you can bet there will be a huge draining of the swamp during a second term.

Right before the election he signed an executive order making it easier to fire federal employees.

He signed that :point_up_2::point_up_2:on October 31st 2020.

You think he doesn’t have a plan? People are in for a rude awakening. He’s going to clean house.

Again. If he did, he wouldn’t be laughed out of court 98% of the time.

Unless you believe the whole democratic system no longer works, of course.

In terms of Dems and judges not siding with Trump and getting threatened - the same is true for those who are liberal and get threatened.

Stop acting like a victim. Trump lost because he deserved to lose.

And again, you haven’t answered my question. You’re fine with Trump and letting the legal process play out. You aren’t fine with a single objection to one subpoena.

You’re a hypocrite.

Even if you don’t get into or get prove the Dominion stuff. The moment there is one bit of fraud the whole thing should be tore down…One bit of controversy over one signature…Over one ridiculous, math-defying, voter turnout…One dead person voting…Ballot counters coming back to recount after observers leave…The whole shyt should be torn down and every vote in this country hand counted over…2 weeks, 3 weeks, whatever it takes.

I don’t understand why everyone wouldn’t want this?

Still waiting for 51 outside of his ridiculous reference to drinking bleach to enlighten the board on what “misinformation” Trump spread about covid…This oughtta be good.

I realize we aren’t going to agree on this. I’m not interested in trying to change your mind. But a few examples:

-we have it under control (we don’t)

-it’s like the flu (it’s not)

-it affects virtually no one (it does)

The last 2 go hand and hand are clearly true for what…95+% of public?

Lol…The illusion of trying to control covid is iso important to you snowflakes. It’s absurd and unrealistic.


Can you explain why positive Flu tests have gone from 11% to 0.18%?

And can you explain what happened to all the flu deaths, cardiac arrests, and pneumonia deaths are down dramatically?

Also, can you explain why suicides and overdoses are up between 4-5x?

At what point do you realize that a… it’s a fucking hoax and b… the prescriptions have been worse than the disease?

I realize you need to think this way because you are so butt hurt that Trump lost.

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

Classic 51… beg for people to answer unintelligible questions of his while avoid clear questions of others with “but Trump!”

What I find hilarious GSC is how you lie about not understanding a very simple question that I ask.

I know you understand the question. But you refuse to answer it because, like Trump, you can’t admit that a) you’re wrong and b) you’re a hypocrite.

Figured you weren’t going to address the question. That’s your style…You’re overmatched little fella, go double knot your mask and feel “safe”

I’ll address the question when GSC addresses mine, that I asked first.

You’re doing a great job as always, butting in on conversations with no insight whatsoever.

I don’t understand your question. I’m not sure why you don’t believe me.

Are you asking why I haven’t posted about Trump losses in court? That’s the best I can understand.

It’s a very simple question I’ve asked you several times.

Why are you fine with 60 Trump lawsuits and letting the process play out, but are going ape shit over an objection to one subpoena from Maricopa County?

How is this question so difficult for you to understand?

Nice to see Broward found his way over.

Have a point or be quiet. Snowflake.

My lord 51.

Again - Trump’s team hasn’t filed 60 lawsuits.

Why am I ok with filing lawsuits but I’m not ok with a State challenging a subpoena from their own legislature?

Because one is trying to pursue justice and the other is attempting to obstruct it? How’s that?

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