Roster Breakdown…Up to Date 5-22 (and now 9-30 REUPDATE!) …Ranking UM's roster imo

Not too long before universities sign multi-year contracts for kids in my opinion.

Yeah that wouldn’t surprise one bit.

What a different world it is now.

Your source standing by this?

BC he supposedly isn’t decided yet

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Fish w the kiss of death ^^

Everything is updated up above to the moment now that the portal is closed until the end of spring.

That’s 61 players…

And 27 new faces from HS +Bell (Juco)

So we are at 88 now that the portal is closed. I would expect(hope) we are landing 1-3 more from the portal so basically we will be at between 88-91 players.

Things that could change that as far as current 88…

Possible Subtractions
Zion Nelson (I can’t believe I’m even typing him, I think he is likely gone…)
Jon Denis (I heard a rumor he may be on medical hardship…No Idea. Multiple inuries)
Elias Rudolph (only signee with possible grade issues…Maybe headed to juco)
Thomas Gore (hopefully gone)

Possible Additions
Amare Williams or further high school additions
Cam McCormick- God I never want to see him in a canes uniform again, but who knows. I have him listed as a graduate. Would be #35ish on my list
Jamil Burroughs- Hearing he is off the team, he would be an addition to my top group of players. Would love if he is on board.

So if we don’t lose anyone else form the top returning players group I would hope they all come from my jags/high-end jags group…So right now we have to shave 3, and hopefully when/if we add more portal possibly up to 6. (most likely being Washington, Redding, Balom, Denis imo)


Added Elijah Alston…Did not add DB Isaiah Taylor as he is being taken as a PWO (Coach Jason Taylor’s son)

At this time he would in the High End Jags category with M.Williams, R.Rodriguez, C.Smith, and post injury Arroyo… (Skiinner and C.Moss were in this category before they portal’d out for instance)

loving our depth and athleticism on the DL, but what the f*** are we doing at QB. i’m still rustled pretty good by missing out on ward/howard

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Looks like Tua or bust unless someone leaves after Spring

Other than that it will be the winner of Brown, Williams, Poff battle

we need to go after Rogers who had transferred to washington. now that DeBoer is leaving, this is our chance.

Rogers is just adequate to me. Like Tua better…

Obv Rogers a step up from what we have. And it’s good we can hide the fact he has no mobility at all as our OL should be a strength year in and year out…He’s a statue though.

Bumped for Ward

So much for 80’s kiss of death!

I don’t think anyone’s mad about it either

Bumped for the addition of Powell.

I was told he was using the NFL for leverage. He did not hire an agent for a reason. Miami landed their QB.

Yes of course. Plain to see

Problem is he probably hurt himself and the team out of adding WR help. There were WRs UM was recruiting from the portal that did not come because of QB uncertainty.

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In a case of just horrible roster management…Cam McCormick will be back for a 9th year.

If there is any type of kid that represents any type of upgrade that there is not room for this spring or summer…Because this bum ass dude will be back for his 9th year, then this is inexcusable. He’s called a blocking TE because he can’t do anything as a receiver, but in reality he can’t block for shyt either.

Also, I don’t care how many times the kid was hurt…Why does the NCAA allow this to happen? And why doesn’t this kid get some pride and just leave the team? So bad.

Also worth noting that the two recent preferred walk-ons (Taylor and Hill) would be good enough to make into the 3rd tier (Basically somewhere in the 30s) on my list.

Hill was a great pickup. He wlll play at Miami.

Updating this as of mid-spring

Parrish to portal (he was #20 on list at time)

Cautiously believing the hype on Arroyo that he can at least be productive here in his 2nd year back from injury. Bumped him from “glorified” jag up to main list

And just a portal update…At this time I believe we lose/force out/early graduate at least 7 more players, and bring in one more portal… Those numbers can, imo, get up to about 11 and 4. But we have to lose at least 6-7 at this time to get to 85

I don’t know why but I had this strong feeling that this past season was Parrish’s last at UM. Correct me if I am wrong but every time UM needed a “horse” to carry the running game they seemed to try anyone but Parrish. If I were he, I’d have read the writing on the wall.

What I don’t get is the press saying UM needs to bring in an experienced RB. Ajay has experience. Assume Fletcher comes back at close to full strength. Someone out of Citizen, Johnson, Wheatley-Humphrey, Lyle should separate themselves from the pack. Educate me why we need to fill a roster spot with a veteran RB. These days most RBs are plug and play (except for maybe blocking).

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