President Trump signs animal cruelty bill into law, making it a federal felony

Has this been proven he’s really doing it? I didn’t know.

Either way, the two topics aren’t in the same universe. He’s just deflecting.

Imagine anyone thinking they are getting the truth from them? Of course I think it’s true…why do you believe them?

Bingo, very well stated

Thanks for proving my point that you’re all in on Q.

While media outlets have a slant (odd you only rail about left leaning ones), they certainly have more standards in verifying content then, say, some nameless, faceless online presence who clearly doesn’t know how anything works - considering their view that Trump will somehow get “reinstated.” How exactly is there a process for this again?

And let’s not mention whoever this idiot is is saying the left “elitists” - including Hollywood starts are a group of Satin worshiping child trafficking cannibals.

And there’s proof of any of this….where? And you believe this over literally anything the media puts out there?

That’s what a cult does.

You know I actually think Q doesn’t believe all this. But he knows there are people stupid enough out there to hang on his every word.

Congrats. You’re one of them.

While media outlets have a slant (odd you only rail about left leaning ones)

I’ve addressed this 9974 times on this board…

Thanks for proving my point that you’re all in on Q.

Pure comedy from this cunt, again. I’m not…Haven’t read Q stuff other than a quick eyeball to one out of every 10 Storm posts and about one minute last year when a friend sent me some texts. Never went back to it.

nd let’s not mention whoever this idiot is is saying the left “elitists” - including Hollywood starts are a group of Satin worshiping child trafficking cannibals.

I don’t know if it’s true either…But I don’t know what people who I have no acquaintance with do with their free time or what their vices are. Sure hope it isn’t.

And there’s proof of any of this….where? And you believe this over literally anything the media puts out there?

Who said I believe it “over”??? Why are you putting words in my mouth again cunt?

You know I actually think Q doesn’t believe all this. But he knows there are people stupid enough out there to hang on his every word.

I think that is definitely possible. Who knows.

Congrats. You’re one of them.

Nope. Never me…Never me… (Carlito Brigante voice)

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But you claim it to be more reliable than the media. Got it.

You can’t make this up.

Where’d I say that cunt?

I said they are equally bad lol…

Fucking idiot loves putting words in my mouth. Absolute fucking idiot.

This is what you said:

And you and Warden’s version of research is just the opposite extreme…Aka Don Lemon and the New York Times. No better.

The fact that you would even state this tells me you value what Q says over the media. Hell OAN is more reliable than Q, and that’s really setting the bar low.

Just more BS from the tragically undereducated.

It literally says “the extreme opposite”…So thanks for making my point cunt

I don’t value either of them…There is nothing in there that says otherwise. The rest is your cunty interpretation.

Also Atlas was the man…

Pure sensibility and logic in their approach to covid. Saving Every Life at Every Single Cost like nothing else matters was the most foolish approach one could take to covid.

Fine - then I don’t want to see you post a thing from any media outlet, ever.

They aren’t to be trusted. Right Qkeeter?

I don’t post much from media outlets and when I do I preface if I believe them to be biased or I pick the stuff that makes sense and let’s us form our own opinions. So I’ll just continue doing that ok you little Don Lemon slurping sheep.

You’re right. You don’t post many sources. You just troll people you disagree with based on your extremely limited world view.

Thanks for admitting that. Qkeeter.

Says the biggest fuckboy troll on this board.

Oh the irony of this statement.

I know you are but what am I


You’ve admitted you’re only here to troll. You know why? Because you’ve admitted you rarely post sources to back up your (uneducated) views.

So what else are you here for then?

I almost feel sorry for you. Almost. Sad angry uneducated little man.

Doesn’t need to be a media outlet to be a source. Next cunt

(Watch how long this cunt makes a clown of himself and prolongs this…The cunt has no shame)

You’ve proven that, haven’t you Qkeeter.

The fact you think it does just speaks to how much of a stupid ass sheep you are