Let the Fuckery Begin to Begin Again!

So when every article and story is negative about Republicans and every one positive about Dems that’s being objective?

How about suppressing good news when a Republican is president and magnifying bad news. And the reverse when a Democrat is in charge. That’s just living in reality?

It’s not all just reporting facts, it’s how you frame the narrative and the tone of the message. What do you report and what do you ignore.

I’ll admit, I didn’t know about the reach of some of those mediums of communication.

But, when you talk to the average Joe on the street, what are they parroting?

It’s usually ABC, CBS, NBC or Yahoo News, Google News, MSNBC, CNN or any of the other large legacy media outlets. Facebook and Twitter are heavily left, as has been proven time and time again.

So while the raw numbers may show, that there are “conservative” sites out there, I would argue that the majority of the information reach is heavily leaning towards Dems.

I will concede your point on the number of conservative stations, however.

You don’t do anything good. Your party hasn’t presented anything popular in as long as I can remember. Name one single thing of which you believe over half the country supports…

Instead, every single day, you have stories of GOPers saying things like women shouldn’t vote, they should have a dictatorship that forces people to vote the way they want, criminal investigation after criminal investigation, trying to (on a daily basis) deny people rights, stripping rights away from women, attacking the victims of mass shooters, defending your talking heads who make up stories about dead kids being crisis actors…

Don’t be mad at the media for reporting WHAT YOUR TEAM DOES. Want to be receive better reporting? Do something good for once.

What good news? I asked before…gimme one. Just a single one.

You’re blaming the messenger for the fact your message sucks

I do. See above

Reality, in most cases…which flies in the face of your GOP narrative. Want a better reception? Do better things

Again, you conservatives just can’t admit to yourselves you’re simply not popular. Twitter is riddled with younger people. They fucking despise you. Deal with it. Facebook is filled with older people, and by far, more GOPers than anyone else. I don’t even know a person who has an active facebook account.

Reality leans heavily to the Dems, because Dems accept reality and work from there. GOPers create the narrative and use their media to convince the followers it’s real. Big difference. That’s why it’ll ALWAYS seem like you’re in the minority…because you are.

The question you should ask yourself is…with 5000 of your main constituency dying on a daily basis, the largest population block becoming voting age, who despises you…gerrymandering and voter suppression just isn’t going to cut it…so, what are you going to do next? If you haven’t noticed…that’s why your party is welcoming things like Trump fascism, talking about not having votes anymore and openly supporting Russia while some talking about a dictatorship. They realize they cannot win on votes in the coming future…not even now really, without gerrymandering.

At some point, you’d think you’d wonder…am I wrong? Are they lying to me?
Doesn’t appear you’ve ever actually asked yourself that question

Being a Democrat is easy…it’s based on just being nice to people. That’s not so hard. Try it. Your mother probably told you to do that when you were younger. Being nice to people sells much easier than attacking labor, tax cuts for billionaires and lying, daily, about everything. If you haven’t noticed…you’re considered toxic. It’ll only get worse.

Blacks being slaughtered in the streets by police is “reality” right? (what is it, like 9 a year, 12 another year, etc, etc)

Covid was killing kids is “the truth” right?

Women can have a kak ia also “true” huh?

Reality leans heavily to the Dems,

Lol…partisan sheep lives in a fairy tale.

Again, you conservatives just can’t admit to yourselves you’re simply not popular

This is somewhat true.

Being a Democrat is easy…it’s based on just being nice to people

Wow…How does someone type this with a straight face? Democrats (I’ll give you more so the “progressive”)…Are the most angry, ignorant, hateful bunch of maniacs you will come across.

Who in the living fuck are democrats “being nice to”? How can someone be a sheep to this extent?

This part is completely false. Some of the most vile, intolerant people I know are Dems. They only care about you if you agree with them 100%. Total maniac types.

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This is true to an extent.

But growing up, getting married and having a family generally turns people more conservative. It’s pretty well documented that many liberals in their 20’s become more conservative as they grow older. Now, people are delaying having families and children until later in life, so this is definitely getting pushed back.

I think the collapse of religion in the country is another factor that doesn’t bode well long term.

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Absolutely. Just look at bikki.

It’s not that people change so much that the times do. People tend not to move as progressively as the world around them.

It also has to do with “getting some.” It’s easy to be a Dem when you’re poor and a Pub when you’re rich, so any advancement in life might trend you toward conservative.

Think so? Are what they are intolerant of intolerant people? That’s usually a response from conservatives…like not being tolerant of people overtly trying to marginalize, attack, or end the rights of other people. If you have other things liberals are intolerant of, please share.

I think we could have an enjoyable conversation…you give me liberal examples of intolerance that doesn’t include the very people being intolerant in the first place, and I’ll show you Republicans being insurrectionists, calling for the death of gays, eliminating voting for women…things like that. It’ll be fun. You’re up…

I’m sure that’ll work out for you.

Thank goodness! The very best possible thing I think can happen is religion becoming less and less of a factor in anything.

I’ll give you a personal example. My wife has a childhood friend that basically stopped talking to her because my wife is Republican. This crazy girl thinks all Republicans murder people.

I kinda did too

But honestly to me when the left went off the deep end.

I’m totally cool with moderate dems winning…And was a mostly non-political person for a long time…Then they went apeshit. Also, when I started paying attention to politics, (only a little of that was by choice) I saw a side to people in my life that was horrifying. Good people that the left and today’s media turned into hateful, distraught zealots.

I’m not saying those people don’t exist on the right…But I’ve really never paid attention to far right people and even though there’s some evil fucks over there…For the most part they want to be left alone and have been sitting in the same bar their whole life… And like I said as far as big picture, the lefts may verbally disagree with the radicals on their side, but they stick with em on voting day and then hope things can improve or they’ll take their foot of gas.

JMO, you guys have followed this shit much longer than I have.

It depends on the republican. Most are insufferable. For instance you come around to reality every once in a blue moon. You snap back in lala land. But there is a glimmer of hope everyone once in awhile.

dj…on the other hand…is a breath of fresh air.

That’s a very curious response. You equate a political party’s stance to a single person not liking your wife.
If, by the measure, anyone who’s mean to you or you take as a slight isn’t tolerant, you take a juvenile route on this.
We don’t know your wife or that person. We don’t know what that person thinks of your wife. We don’t know what your wife is like, or you, in real life.
But, for you to equate a party’s stance on tolerance to “this bitch is mean to my wife and she’s a liberal”, it’s quite a remarkable leap.

The fact you didn’t catch that before you wrote it says quite a bit. Like I said before, maybe she views your wife as intolerant, a nazi supporter, a supporter of a career criminal who tried to dismantle the country over his ego and thirst for power and $…a whole myriad of reasons could explain the situation. But, if the measure is can you find a single person who violates a point, you’re being disingenuous.

See, there isn’t a party movement or a party platform or a party ideology that rests on not liking your wife. There isn’t a majority of Democrats voting against or acting out in personal attacks on your wife. I can, however, find you a majority of Republicans who favor removing women’s rights, denying basic election counting, and in favor of insurrection and bringing down the US government.

It’s quite interesting that you went there…to some chick who doesn’t like your wife because she’s a Republican…no backstory, no timing, no personal history of the two…just this bitch thinks my wife is a bitch so she’s intolerant…is again, a really juvenile but interesting response.

As usual, you ask for evidence and I give you some. You don’t like the response so you go on a diatribe about all Republicans etc.

It’s a tired routine. I gave one example. I don’t have time or energy to go into more details on here. Furthermore, it wouldn’t be interesting to the board.

It’s all about who you interact with on a day to day basis right? I can give you my life experience and you can give me yours. I know some hard core Repubs that are dicks, but I know many more Dems that are just absolute intolerant assholes.

There are plenty of examples of people ending relationships with people because they THINK they voted Republican. They didn’t even know for sure, just think it. I’ve seen this happen quite a few times. I don’t know any situation that goes the other way.

You are all knowing in Texas though. Just a paragon of virtue Dem that cares for people.

You’re equating people with party. There is no possible way of making every human nice to each other. However, I’m talking about parties, not people. As a party, the Democrats don’t have hateful platform positions against people. Yours does. It defines your party. It’s just so curious that you equated 1 person being a bitch to a party’s stance on something. Revealing, really.

No, it’s about party platforms and policy initiatives. I don’t define the Democratic party. I’m not a member of the Democrat party. I’m just more liberal than you and tend to vote for Democrats lately.

Hence the statement earlier about not being tolerant of intolerance. Republicans, under Trump, became defined by their intolerance of others.

I dunno, sometimes. Quite a week to ask me, actually. Yesterday I picked up a guy walking home in the cold and drove him home. Tuesday we took 5 needy angel kids and are spending $1000 a piece on them for Christmas. I can remember handing a homeless guy in a wheelchair literally my last $20 so he could eat and then I didn’t. That was a long time ago, but yeah…I like to think I’m quite nice to people outside of this venting forum I use. My partner wanted to raise our salaries and give ourselves a bonus at the beginning of this month. After some discussion, I took my part and gave it to the operations team as a cash bonus for Christmas and kept my original salary.
I dunno…seems nice to me. I was a shithead for a long time growing up, so I feel the rest of my life is like paying penance and being kind ot people. Easier to sleep for sure

I agree that there are a lot of racist people out there. And Trump didn’t help matters with the way he made fun of everyone.

I’ve said it before that I wasn’t a huge fan of Trump. I’d like to see him go away to be honest. Time to move on.

I honestly don’t think we are that far apart when it comes to certain things, believe it or not.

On the social issues, I’ve just seen the Dems go way way too far to the left for me to consider them.

The far right gets a little crazy too, agreed on that

I don’t either, man. Face to face, I’ve not found anyone we can’t compromise on most problems within about 5 minutes of discussion. Ah, except my oldest brother…but, he literally moved to Ozark County because it was Trump and Klan territoriy. He’s a different kind of cat

Groups suck

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Nooooo…not the resident partisan sheep troll Warden!!! The guy who provides us with Vox links!!!

As long as liberal partisan sheep were the ones doing the defining…

They love to “define” everyone.

As a party, the Democrats don’t have hateful platform positions against people.

Except “rednecks”
Except people who want to be left alone
Except black people who don’t believe they are victims
Except billionaires who don’t hand out pandemic advice
Except every non-liberal parroting white male
Except doctors who dared to question covid policy
Except religious people
Except people who didn’t find a vaccine that doesn’t stop transmission necessary

We could go on all day with regards to the left’s hate platform!