Disney Markets LBGTQ+IA toys to kids

Isn’t warden the same guy in another thread who disparaged trans people? Lol. What a goofball hypocrite.

You have some strange logic to link those two.

But, at least I’m not terrified of rainbows like you are…or furries. :rofl: :rofl:

And the Disney LGBTQIA+ clothes made for kids are made in……China!

The place with some of the worst human rights abuses on the planet. Makes sense.

So were Trump ties, hats, and flags. Makes sense

You right wingers are seemingly terrified of the gays…horrified, like they’ll infect you like zombies.

Here’s a secret - if a rainbow back pack makes you suck cock…you were already going to suck cock.

Such a stupid argument. Because we don’t want to indoctrinate kids and normalize disturbed behavior (trans) we must be gay?
Strange logic.

It’s a broader culture war. This is symptomatic.

That’s the thing…you think being gay is “disturbed behavior.” In the end, your entire ideology boils down to just being a bigot. Nothing more.

Time moves forward. Cry about it

I specifically said trans and not gay. Big difference in my opinion.

It’s a fucking rainbow flag, dipshit. It’s not particularly designed for JUST TRANS. It’s a rainbow flag. Get over it. Bigot

Oh really? Is that all it is?

Sick stuff man. You can call me a bigot if you want. I couldn’t care less. You also don’t have kids (which is a huge blessing to the world).

I think you’re a pussy and scared of gay people. That’s all. GLSEN has been around since 1990 and tries to stifle attacks on LBGTQ kids. That’s all. You think gay and trans people are an abomination. I think you’re a pussy and terrified dicks taste delicious. Your party is full of pussy bigots, that’s all. Nothing more to it. Your squad had been fighting against gay people for as long as I’ve been alive. You lost. Go fuck yourself.

I pray your children are gay. How’s that? I pray to our dear lord Jesus Christ, to Yahweh, to Tom Cruise and Allah that your children choose their own gender to get down, tattoo pride flags on their cheeks and dance in gay pride parades dressed like Freddy Mercury…in the Lord’s name I pray, Amen.

I have to admit that this was pretty funny.

I loled too.

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