Dude, no point. There is zero reason to put any effort into any of these conversations. I get bored, that’s the only reason I do once in a while. But, I never expect anything out of it.
Really think about it…you have a paranoid schizophrenic without any sense whatsoever of reality or morality who’s daily stage is on a college football message board. You have a sleazy theocratic fascist who’s as dishonest as any human walking and thinks he’s smarter than Galileo and the Dictionary; you have a shit stain who offers nothing but insults against whomever is not on the right, revealing the overwhelming load of personal issues he just isn’t capable of working through, but serves as a reminder of the muck and shit that’s always there. Then, you have the white-wig aristocrat who can’t go 10 words without lying, praising old men forcing little girls to undress in front of them, promoting websites regularly used by mass shooters, who’s only care is that people think he’s special and he gets to bring his bank balance into the casket with him along the panties of whatever retired, dirty-legged stripper he just bought an apartment.
A. He and nole80 are really well-adjusted people
B. He and nole80 never insult people
Imagine being such a partisan sheep meltdown prone leftist that you try to defend anything wack job 80 says on here after the performance he put on during covid? But then again he couldn’t get enough of the commie cunt fuckboy djrion. That’s what we’re dealing with here.