Damage in Portland Worse than Jan 6

As the economic depression deepens, you’ll appreciate my prescience predicting a Western world depression. In other matters of concern, my objection to the war in Ukraine is based on the immorality of using Ukrainians as pawns, urging them to commit suicide engaging in a proxy war they cannot win. Furthermore, Ukraine needs to be rid of Nazism forever. I suggest you do some reading about ultra right wing tyranny in the country and the abominable treatment of the nation’s Russian citizens. Read for example the biography of Stepan Bandera.

Russia is not our enemy period. What is best for Western civilization is having a free flow of commodities among Western countries. Building economic bridges through trade creates cultural affinities. Our world cannot exist without both energy and food. Renewable energy is incapable of meeting the demand of consumers. The answer to the energy crisis of course is building more nuclear plants which is opposed by dopey liberals. France embraced nuclear power and is now grateful for having done so. Already, we power naval ships with reactors. The same must be done to power cities. At the same time, technology needs to improve electrical storage devices. We made significant progress in improving batteries but not enough to make them economically feasible and less expensive. Research in fusion reactors, fuel cells, and other forms of non-hydrocarbon production of energy must be subsidized to reduce combustion. I for one strongly support electric automobiles but affordability restricts their purchase by most citizens. Liberals would have us unable to own private automobiles, restricting our movement and individual liberty. Insidious control over people.

Yes, Russia is a corrupt nation, but, at long last, it has been ably managed by a successful president. The break down of the Soviet Union caused incredible hardship in Russia. It too resulted in a tremendous fear in the country of NATO aggression and perception that Russia is an inherently evil nation. The Russians are a great people who paid the highest price of human loss historically as a result of invasions by its European neighbors. Russians dearly wants to be a Westernized nation, but too many politicians stand in the way of peace in Europe. Had Trump not been swindled in the last election, war in Ukraine would most certainly not have happened.

Putin is every bit the pragmatist embodied by Trump. Ergo, Russia has its own Maga-type goals. In twenty years, Putin has improved the lives of Russian people, and it is no accident that he has profound support of his people.

Continuing the Ukrainian war will harm the West more significantly than it will Russia, for Russia has what we have, abundant energy resources and food production capacity. Presently, were we to engage Russia face to face in a war in Europe, we’d likely lose without resorting to nuclear warfare. We still don’t have hypersonic missiles, and in less than an hour Russia has the capability of destroying every American warship against which we have no defense. In a land war, we’d be pitted against an army twenty years in the making led by professional soldiers and military strategists of sublime competence. Nuclear war would cause dark ages to befall the earth lasting decades perhaps centuries. Such a war could see three quarters of all human life extinguished.

Obviously, our largest problem is national leadership. Look how quickly conditions have deteriorated in just a year and a half under Biden. Even the staunchest liberals would agree that Biden is failing and the economic well being of the country is in peril. IMO, we are in the entry stages of a full scale depression. Raging inflation is difficult to bring under control. Raising interest will be a death knell for countless over indebted corporations. Pension funds will take a terrific haircut and higher taxes will exacerbate the downward cycle. Our only solace is that Europe is in worse shape than the U.S., because it lacks hydrocarbon resources and food producing capacity. In addition, European will sew unmanageable numbers of refugee filtering into Europe due to inadequate food production in Africa. Islam will gain considerably greater political influence in Europe and ethnic strife, even civil war, are distinct possibilities.

Our own border problem is caused almost entirely caused by Biden for which he will easily be impeached if the Republicans prevail in the midterms. If anything, the U.S. Armed Forces should be in charge of the nation’s borders.

As the second greatest president history, American need to restore Trump to the White House. Trump started no wars and his goal was to keep America from being the world’s policeman. Trump was deprived of a second term by fraud, so it is only fitting they he be returned to the White House to rescue this nation from governmental incompetence.