Can We Beat Duke?

I’d take some comfort if this is the case. But are we sure those corrective actions are forthcoming? We’ve lived through too much “stay the course” action by our HC and his staff over the years to know for certain that anything will be fixed/changed.

During his presser afterwards he said that they have to keep recruiting to get the team better. My only takeaway was…“are you really saying that Miami can’t win with the talent you have ?”

Instead of the 'Canes game I watched Dino Babers take it to Dabo Swinney and Clemson…with less than half the talent . Innovation and determination was all Syracuse had to offer…not a glut of talent.

Greg Cote @ the Herald says…

The Hurricanes return to the field next week at Virginia. That team is bad. UM might even be favored.

It will mean nothing.

Not with this Canes team.

Not after Saturday’s colossal embarrassment.

Not for this high-profile, high-paid new coach hired to be a savior but struggling for answers.

And not this season as it lurches and stumbles in a pool of disappointment.

You’d be foolish (or joking) to say seven games in that the Cristobal hire looks ill-fated. It’s much too early for that, and he’s too good and he cares too much about why he came here.

But seven games in is not too soon to conclude the coach is discovering the magnitude of the undertaking, of building UM back up to challenge for that elusive sixth national title.

“When you’re trying to rebuild a program and you get hit in the face like this, you gotta be a tough son of a gun,” Cristobal said, because what else could he say? “You better get back up and go back to work.”

Cote also added:

Quick aside: Oregon entered Saturday 5-1 and ranked No. 10 without Cristobal, while Miami remained a team and a head coach still looking for their first signature win in a season that thus far has been a stunning display of mediocrity by all concerned.

The homecoming could only be going worse for Cristobal if a meteor fell on him on the sideline.

:rage: :nauseated_face: :pray:t2:

Sounds about right

At 8 million a year you do not get a write off year, or a bye year…

Eternal mediocrity

The next 3 or 4 years are going to be so very sad and awful to watch.

Say what you want, but I’ve said it before and I truly believe it…Miami is cursed. There’s no way this happens year after year for damn near 20 years like the college football version of Groundhog Day.

New coach, same problems.

This reads like a Shakespearean tragedy,

More people will get here, eventually. Taking your Saturdays back is very relaxing. Best move one can make

He left a cushy job with a Top 10 team to come to Miami. I doubt he will settle for this 20 points/game nonsense. If he doesn’t fire Gattis then we might have a problem.

Do I miss Lashlee? Absolutely!