Border wall

And you are a clueless sheep.

Again, I’ll take first hand accounts over your moronic articles.

Run along now sheep and go find a Vox article to quote.

I’ll continue to stay plugged in to my community and you can continue to make outlandish claims about somewhere you’ve never even visited.

Again, a little humility would help you on here. You have none, obviously.

Indiana, I just have one question

Is the Furry population out of control and needing of a good culling?

Haha, I think they are under control.

In all seriousness, I don’t think it’s THAT big of a deal. I hear of kids pretending they are animals and crawling around the halls and stuff. I didn’t hear the litter box thing. Don’t think I ever claimed that happened.

But, why should my kids have to endure a classroom where some kids who are clearly disturbed are allowed to just do whatever they want? And then we have to pretend they are normal, or if you say anything that could be deemed Insensitive you get in trouble?

Like, why do we cater to the lowest common denominator in schools? That’s part of the reason our education system is so messed up. We are so worried about offending anyone that we don’t actually teach anymore.

Right, right…first hand accounts from a grown man who heard something from his kid…allegedly, against peer reviewed articles by the AP and Reuters. That’s why you’re a moron

They have to go home and deal with a dad they have to pretend isn’t an imbecile. I think they can manage.

Ironically, you are the lowest common denominator

Based upon what, the mirror in your hallway?

ear Math Critical Reading Writing Year Math Critical Reading Writing
1972 509 530 1997 511 505
1973 506 523 1998 512 505
1974 505 521 1999 511 505
1975 498 512 2000 514 505
1976 497 509 2001 514 506
1977 496 507 2002 516 504
1978 494 507 2003 519 507
1979 493 505 2004 518 508
1980 492 502 2005 520 508
1981 492 502 2006 518 503 497
1982 493 504 2007 514 501 493
1983 494 503 2008 514 500 493
1984 497 504 2009 514 499 492
1985 500 509 2010 515 500 491
1986 500 509 2011 514 497 489
1987 501 507 2012 514 496 488
1988 501 505 2013 514 496 488
1989 502 504 2014 513 497 487
1990 501 500 2015 511 495 484
1991 500 499 2016 508 494 482
1992 501 500 2017* 527 533
1993 503 500 2018* 531 536
1994 504 499 2019* 528 531
1995 506 504 2020* 523 528
1996 508 505 2021* 528 533

*The old SAT had three main sections: Math, Critical Reading, and Writing. Since the SAT’s massive redesign in spring 2016, there are now two main sections on the test: Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW), the latter of which is a combination of the Reading and Writing sections.

Ah, back to the personal attacks when you can’t refute.

As I’ve said before, you live in a bubble. Doesn’t make you a bad dude, but you clearly don’t get out much.

Did that article reference the Indy suburbs where I live and the specific schools around me?

Whatever man. Trying to lead you to water, but stay in that North Texas Petroleum Club bubble.

Doesn’t affect me at all.

I’d rather raise some quality kids than be an angry selfish prick like you, but to each his own.

Can’t refute? See, once again, it’s like talking to a retarded puppy. I have the articles showing it is and was always based on satire. You have…“a guy I know told me.” You don’t understand remarkably basic concepts.

There ya go…didn’t even read the article, yet discounting 2 of the most revered news services in lieu of “a guy told me.”

This is what we’re dealing with…abject idiocy.

That’s my partner. I’m the blue collar side of the business

That’s curious…what makes you think I’m angry or selfish? Tell ya what…in this entire chain, what particular line leans to me being selfish?

Again…abject idiocy

I know one thing is for sure, GSCl :lying_face: wn is glad Indiana took the heat off him ITT.

Not at all. I have kids that tell the truth and I trust them. But you got that peer reviewed article where they went into all of the schools in the state, right?

And…you misconstrue what I said even occurred in the school to begin with.

Got it.

So, again your opinion means about as much as the toilet paper I use on a daily basis.

You have one fan on here though, so congrats on that I guess. You can puff that chest out.

But this argument isn’t really worth any more of my time. I’ve already wasted too much on this moron.


That’s the exact same thing the people of Salem said.

…says the guy who thinks a satirical article on kids dressing up as “otherkin” furries is real.

can’t fix stupid.